Friday, March 5, 2010

Rough, tough, and ready for seconds

Finn started his speech therapy today. It went well but no new words yet. She said it would be a process so it might take a while. So for now I'm getting really good at describing things all around and repeating myself a lot-which Patrick is just loving as you can imagine.

This afternoon I took Finn up to the park to meet some of my girlfriends and their kids for the first bearable day outside since winter started. Ainsley and Patrick had some daddy daughter time at home where it was nice and toasty.

Finn wasn't too interested in his "friends" but really enjoyed the swings and just walking around outside-since he started walking just before winter it was his first big venture outside.

However, Finn had a seizure while walking on the cement path between the two play areas and went down hard-flat on his face. At first I thought he surely broke his nose-but Patrick says he's still too young to do anything about it. But thankfully it was only a 2 min seizure and we didn't have to break out the diastat.

He does have some nice war wounds from it. You can see below he's doing just fine. He's got a nice fat lip and a lump/skid mark on his forehead that I'm sure will just turn to a bruise.

Of course I was standing right beside him watching him as it all happened and I feel so bad for the little guy-but I guess that's why we are getting the helmet-to prevent any really bad damage from falls. And I guess this is all part of being a mom of a little boy-his first scrape and fat lip of what I can only imagine will be many more.

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