Monday, April 6, 2009

Another quick update

so this past week was one of our worst with an ambulance ride because of Finn having a two hour seizure, and having to stay for 2 days in the hospital...he's okay, but it was very, very scary!!! then he has a double ear infection with a sore throat and another 45 minute seizure 3 days was pretty awful. i won't go into details because it's exhausting to think about. However, Finn is doing great, he's getting better from the congestion and all, and we're hoping for no more seizures for a bit.

Here are some pics over the past month to look at, to prove it's not all bad having such a great kid....Finn is such a trooper through everything we couldn't have asked for a better boy.

St. Patty's Day parade in Dog Town. Reading in the morning with mom in jammies.

Eating in the car! pucker up.

Finally getting to put his car seat facing foward! yes! riding like a big boy.

Doggie from Dr. Wind's office from being in the hospital this week.

Balloon that came with the doggie!

Playing with the girl cousins (Delaney on left and Kiera in middle) they play so well altogether.


Keowdie said...

Cute photos! I'm glad to hear he's feeling better & handling everything so well.

Jenny said...

Oh, man...I'm so very sorry you guys have to go through all of this. Every time Cary tells me about it or I look at your blog, my heart is full for this little guy I don't even know - and I send up prayers for him. My Finn had two petit mal seizures (just the staring off kind) when he was really little, and Raff had a fever-induced seizure when he was little, too. Nothing compared to what you have gone through, but unless you've actually seen your own child have a seizure, you can't really understand, ya know?

I'm glad he's doing better - he's SO cute.

The Tepper Family said...

I'm so sorry about your hospital stay and can only imagine how terrifying a 2 hour seizure must be. On a lighter note, your Veggie tale cakes are toooooooooo cute! You COULD be a professional decorator! I am so jealous! And what a cute idea making big Bob with little pea cupcakes. Way too cute. Maybe I'll attempt it for Lillian's 3rd bday. We'll have to start watching Veggie Tales then I guess (we have them (because of my own love affair with them), I've just never put them on because I didn't really figure she'd "get" them). But this is inspiring! You go girl! (and Patrick!).
Love you guys. Oh - Patrick you asked once about us coming to the States, we were there in January for Mark's wedding (but only on the East coast), and Lillian and I were going to come this summer, but now we can't because I'm pregnant with twins (!) (identical!) which is more complicated than a "normal" pregnancy. But with twins on the way... who KNOWS when we'll be back. ): Anyway, thanks for keeping us posted. This is so long, I should've just written an email. :)