Friday, November 19, 2010

catch up.....

so my iphone, which i love, is acting up and won't let me update the blog right now (and hence, the month long absence) i'm a person of convenience...have you noticed. anyway, it's been over a month and lots has happened. the kids have grown and we've been busy. here are some pics i have on the computer of the kids at halloween.....(the others will come later bc they are all on my phone:) i hate uploading on the computer bc the pics never go in the order i want and i can't move them easily....rrrrrr.

patrick was a mailman, and i was the dog chasing him:) later he had an awesome fake moustache and i had an eye patch and nose....but this was before we got to the party.

spider man ready to fight crime. he actually liked being dressed up and kept the mask on for about a half hour. i thought that was impressive for 2 1/2. his spider man voice was the best, it was just really loud breathing with his mouth half open. super cute.

this picture was part of the meltdown series but of course i couldn't get it to move and after yelling at the computer for 20 minutes it's just going to stay here......rrrrrrr.

Daddy being silly while finney hamms it up for the camera. I love his "cheese" smile. a happy spider man.

we were headed into meltdown mode..... this goes with the pic from above.

our beautiful monarch butterfly. couldn't be cuter!!! (she looks so much like her daddy) and ps. she's pulling up and crusing all over the place...crazy. i guess she'll be walking in no time. i'll keep you posted.


Nad!a Art!st said...

ur children r soooo cute ^^
i really like them