Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Before and after

So this week Patrick is on vacation here at home which means we get a lot done around the house (well he does at least). This was our front yard project that I wanted to do by myself, but 2 hours into it and about 5 blisters later I found out God did not make me for manual labor, but Patrick was. He's my big burly, strong husband man! He came out and finished the entire project in under 2 hours (let me tell you it would have taken me at least twice that). But he noticed I was struggling and knew how important it was to me -so thank you honey.

Sorry the pics are dark it was super shady that time of day.

The orange line is where I needed to dig up all the grass and the plants are just sitting where I wanted to plant them.

Finished. Didn't he do a great job?! There will be more plants added in the spring. I can't wait.

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