Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow Daze

Okay, so those of you who live in St. Louis know the crazy snow storm that we had today......I think Kirkwood got somewhere around 6-8" and down by the office we got at least 8-10". CRAZY! Now, let me educate you all who are not from the midwest. This is not actually a werid occurance. It was 74* on Sunday afternoon. In fact, Patrick and I took a nice walk to the Oberweis just down the street from us and each of us was wearing a t-shirt, and Patrick as even wearing flip flops. And low and behold, today, it was blustery, snowy day. Above you can see my car snowed in the driveway, and Patrick getting back from his walk to the grocery store. Yes, I did say walk....he said it wasn't that cold and we needed some food, so he walked. It was actually quicker than if he'd driven, considering all the accidents on the roads with St. Louis drivers. Plus, this is one of the perks of living in K-wood, you can just walk to the store if you need something, it's not a 30 minute drive. We sure love it.