Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We're All Okay

so i know it's been super long, like 3 months, since i've blogged. but something is totally screwed up on my phone and it won't let me blog. and because my phone is messed up i can't download all the awesome pics of the kids to write cute stories about. still working on it, but things have been crazy busy.

Big things to note:
Finn starts Pre-School Tuesday......ahhh, i'm so excited for him (i think he's going to love it) and so melancholy bc my baby is growing up.
Ainsley has been walking since Feb 1st, and is almost running and wanting to do stairs by herself (she's my independent child for sure-but she's definitely a momma's girl) she's starting to talk too, so exciting.

i'll keep working on the phone to see if i can get some pics up here for you all. later.


Lolly said...

OK, we'll keep watching for new pictures and stories!

Greta said...

I can't wait to hear about Finn in school!!!!