Ainsley was baptized at church this morning. The whole family made it. It was so nice. Thank you Mom, Dad, Julie (Jonathan), Tim, Michelle, Kiera, Delaney, Dan, Melonnie, Liam, Bob and Lolly!!! Finn was there but after dancing through the music like a rock star he needed to walk the halls a bit. We didn't get any pictures of him but he was cute.
She was such a good girl.
It wore the cute girl out. She fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Me, my mom, and my older sister Julie in my backyard.
My mom and Patrick's mom. What good looking grandmas.
The ladies of the day: Melonnie, Vicki, me, Julie, Lolly.
Patrick's younger brother Dan, Lolly, and Patrick.
Patrick and Liam getting some grub.
Dan, Liam, and Mel playing in our backyard. Thanks for mowing Liam.
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