Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Newest Accessories

So, since we don't have cute pictures of the baby to post yet, here are some fun ones of Patrick and I with our new baby stroller. We actually have 2 other friends that are having babies this year too that have the same stroller....funny huh? I guess we all just have good taste.

And as you can see, I didn't just stop at putting the stroller together, I also decided to hang some picture frames on the wall. (Mom, what do you think?) Hopefully soon we will be able to fill those frames with pictues of our little angel and our family and friends:) Things are starting to finally come together completly in the house....I'm starting to get that "I need to clean" sensation. I may start spending evenings cleaning floorboards before too long.....not that our baby is even going to be near them when he/she comes home, but one never knows.
Oh, and funny quick story about the dresser above. This was a dresser that Patrick and his brothers used when they were little, I just re-finished it. However, on the right side, facing the wall it is covered in Star Wars stickers, yes.....Star Wars the originals. I thought that was so cute, I couldn't paint over them, so our baby will one day see where daddy and his brothers used to decorate their furniture.
Well, more pictures of the door/room at it's final stages "pre-baby occupancy" will be coming soon.


Vicki J. Lewis said...

Okay, so I am enjoying this so much. I had such a big smile on my face that someone asked me what I was looking at. Your stroller looks like a winner and I love the frames and will enjoy them more when they are filled. Please keep up with this as it really makes me feel like I can be there with you at 1200 miles away. I love you so much, Mom