Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting the Room Ready

Well, the adventure begins......(or began 8 months ago) First things first, we still have to sand and paint the beautiful new door Patrick installed for baby. It no longer sounds like a gunshot going off when you open or close the door. yea! I'd also like to add that since this picture was taken, he has re-plastered around the door so it's a bit more normal looking than it seems here.

These are some pictures of the baby's room with the bedding and decorations Great Aunt Marsha did for Baby Murphy. How cute huh? She's definitely got the gift......excuse the mess of things piled on the floor and dresser.

There will be many more pictures to come, I'm sure....since I finally figured out how to get them from the camera to the computer:) yea! And if I really put my mind to it, one day there will be video clips.....let the ooohs and ahhhs come rolling in.

And as you can see, we still have some work to do to get things up on the bare walls, but it's all coming together.


Vicki J. Lewis said...

It looks like a baby needs to be in there enjoying all that neat stuff. HURRY UP!