Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's been a busy morning...

Yesterday, on my day off I tried to be as productive as possible (before my massage and pedicure- I know, I know, it's a hard life, heheh). It was pre-baby pamper day for Katie. However, I was able to do some work.... And below is a picture of one of the 3 items I was able to put together for the baby. I'm telling you though, those directions they put in the package are not clear, so I'm sure if there was a fly on the wall watching me, it was laughing it's rear off!!!! I nearly threw in the towel with the stroller/travel system. Half of the pictures didn't even look like the actual items, but thankfully I perservered and finally got it all put together. Here's the cute swing.....(I love polka dots, have I mentioned that)

Picture of the stroller and car seat to come (for you Mom).


Vicki J. Lewis said...

Oh my! That grandchild of mine is really growing. I loved seeing that, but bad hair day or not I need to see your sweet smile! Love the swing. That is so high tech I am not sure I would know how to put the baby in it though. Excited! Excited! Excited! That is how I am feeling. Love, Mom