Ainsley and I joined some friends at the park this morning while Finn was at pre-school. It started to rain a little but after we got to the park. But no worries the older kids showed the little ones how to jump and splash in the puddles. Emma and Ainsley caught on quickly.
Ainsley liked the frog approach, most water accessibility.
Before we got to the park we ran some errands and stopped by Lubeley's bakery for a donut for the good errant girl in the back seat.
She loved it. It was a treat for me to get to give her the treat too.
This was yesterday before Finn had a seizure. I went in my room to put away some laundry and came out to this. I have no idea how Ainsley got up there without Finn kicking her in the face. Sweet loving siblings. I'm happy to report that after Finn's seizure (he was passed out for a while) Ainsley was very concerned and pet his head and gave him an obscene amount of kisses. I love these kids so much!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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