Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days where you know you won't make it unless you have a coffee. Well, today was one of those days. I packed both kiddos in the car and went to starbucks drive thru. Lately I've been having a lot of those zombie-esk days. It seems as though neither of our kids wants to sleep through the night consistently. If one does the other wakes up. It may be a conspiracy. Hmmmm.

As you can see the coffee kicked in. Bubblepaloosa 2010.

Ainsley rested during bubblepaloosa.

But awoke to some jungle gym fun later on.

Finn then thought he needed some caffine, which I told him if he wanted to nap the answer was no. Haha. That kid is quick.

Then during the kids naps I ventured into the backyard to de-rock it to make way for Finn this summer. Wow there were a lot of rocks. I still have more to get but I'm almost done-then it's time to double up on the grass seed. And maybe rake up the sticks. Then bring on spring for real!

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Lolly said...

I've had days like that. I think you're doing a marvelous job!